Social Opportunities for Neurodivergent Folx

Socializing can be awkward as fuck.

  • How do I know what to say?

    How do I start a conversation? Small talk can be so painful. “How’s the weather treating you today?” Or “cool shirt bro!”

    Do I talk about my interests? Do I ask them about theirs? When is the appropriate time to change the subject? Should I make a joke? Should I talk about politics? Should I ask them about their traumas?

    How much eye contact do I need to make?

  • How will they perceive me?

    Will they think I’m weird? Smart? Funny? interesting?

    Will we have things in common? Will they think my hobbies are cool or lame and childish?

    Do they like talking to me? Are they bored?

    Are they just being polite?

  • How do we make the leap to friends?

    How do I know if they want to be friends? Will they ask?

    Do I ask them for their phone number, their socials or to hang out?

    What if they make vague statements like “we should grab coffee sometime?” Do they mean it? Do we plan the hang out now?

    How and when do I follow up?

Making new friends as an adult can be hard.

Making new friends as a neurodivergent person can be next level hard.

Usually when we are in neurotypical dominated spaces we are forced to mask who we are in order to fit in. Encouraged to socialize in ways that feel uncomfortable. Required to follow unspoken social rules that don’t make sense. Constantly wondering what they think of me.

It can be exhausting!

Yet… we are all social beings who desire deep connection. Who desire friendship and companionship.

Preferably with people who accept us for who we are.

So where do we find our people?

The current options for meeting new people as an adult these days are pretty limited:

  1. Going to parties/bars/clubs

  2. Attending generic public “meet-up’s”

  3. Joining an interest based community or sport (crafting club, pickleball league)

  4. Frequenting a business where you have to buy something (bookstore, gamer/hobby store)

Those options just don’t work for everyone..

We can create more authentic spaces to socialize with people who have similar wiring to us.

We can create spaces for neurodivergent people that don’t revolve around drinking or liking a particular hobby/game.

We can create spaces that feel open, comfortable and accepting for us.

Where you can just be you.

Sounds good! Tell me more!

Neurodivergent Social Opportunities Menu

Social Groups

A laid back social group for neurodivergent folx to socialize with other cool people. Our upcoming group will meet online via zoom and play games (like jackbox, etc) together.

More details to come!

Friendship Mixers

Wildflower plans to host fun social get togethers for neurodivergent folx to meet new people and (hopefully) make new friends! Events will be held within the Twin Cities Metro area.

More details to come!

Stay Tuned! Coming in 2025